Alumni Weekly Recap - October 7 2019


Elaily Hernandez-Repreza

Elaily Hernandez-Repreza picked up her fourth assist on the year, tying for second most on the team during the Cougars overtime win against the Bears

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Olivia Seddon

The Bears continue their winning momentum today as they win in overtime with a penalty shot by Olivia Seddon in the 97 minute of play. The Bears now move to a 2-0-2 position in conference play.

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Olivia Seddon

Olivia Seddon scored a goal for the Bears off a corner kick, her second for this past weekend as well as season.

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Syndey Studer

McKenzie Weinert received a long pass from sophomore Sydney Studer from deep in Beaver territory in the 29th minute of play. Studer placed the ball in position for Weinert to net her seventh goal of the season, and give the Beavers a 1-0 lead heading into the half.

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Edwin Torres